The Waseca Area Foundation has a fund portfolio of over 60+ funds. With a fund balance of over 13 million, we help donors establish a legacy by creating individual funds all while meeting their unique philanthropic goals.
Waseca Area Foundation
We are a lasting vehicle for individuals to give back to the community. Our Foundation’s general fund directs its grant making to projects and programs in the areas of education, arts & culture, health and human services, recreation and community service.
35 Years of growth
1989 Original Fund
Fund Balance
Total Funds
Today’s Fund
Fund Balance
Total Funds
Waseca Area Foundation Family of Funds
WAF offers a variety of fund options to help donors meet their unique philanthropic goals.
Community Advised Funds
Funds are established by donors who wish to provide a lasting memorial and leave the granting process & decisions to the WAF Board. The grants from these funds are focused on the areas of education, health & human services, arts & culture, recreation and community service. Some of these funds have been set up as “restricted” which simply gives the WAF Board direction and criteria as to what that particular funds should prioritize with the grant dollars. The WAF currently administers community advised funds listed below.
Community Advised Funds
- Barb Penny Youth Fund
- Bud Schmidt Trucking Company Fund
- Curt & Nita Sjoberg Education Fund
- City of Waseca Beautification Fund
- Dr. O.J. and Betty Swenson Fund
- Dr. Robert M. and Helen C. Collins Fund
- EF Johnson Foundation Fund
- Gedosch-Fell Memorial Fund
- Gregg “Marty” Martin Scholarship Fund
- Harold H. and Gertrude Sturner Memorial Fund
- Herb Streitz Memorial Band Fund
- Homer & Elizabeth McIntire Fund
- James B. Corchoran Memorial Fund
- Jane & John King Family Fund
- Janesville Area Foundation Fund
- John P Priebe Memorial Fund for Education
- John P Priebe Community Runs & Outdoor Events Fund
- Neil & Sharon Fruechte Fund
- New Richland Area Foundation Fund
- Roy & Jeanette Tollefson Fund
- The Rutledge Family Fund
- Waseca Area Foundation Endowment Fund
- Waseca Area Foundation Operating Fund
- Waseca Bluejays Public Schools Endowment Fund
- Wes & Carol Rethwill Fund
- W.H. & Estelle Rethwill Fund
- Vollbrecht Cultural Arts Legacy Fund
Donor Advised Funds
Donors establish these funds and continue to advise and oversee the granting process. The WAF currently holds the donor advised funds listed below.
Donor Advised Funds
- Abigail Claire Wendland Performing Arts Fund
- Barbara & Jack Dahl Fund
- By-the-Grace-of-God Fund
- Caleb Lane Erickson Memorial Fund
- Cally Jo Children’s Fund
- Curtis Swenson Family Fund
- iWealth Foundation Fund
- John W. Priebe Family Foundation Fund
- Noah & Samuel Priebe Memorial Fund
- The Pope Family Fund
- Rosenau Waseca Parks and Trails Fund
- Rosenau Fire Department Fund
- Rosenau Law Enforcement Fund
- Rosenau Legacy of Angels Fund
- Rosenau Waseca Schools Band Fund
- Rosenau Waseca Schools Fund
- Rosenau Waseca Schools Technology Fund
- Sankovitz Family Fund – First National Bank
- Stacy Lynn Rosenau Fund
- Tracy Jevning Memorial Fund
Non Profit Endowment Funds
These funds were established by a non-profit organization to benefit themselves. Contributions can only come from the non-profit themselves and the earnings are directed into the non-profit themselves. “Savings Account” for the non-profit. The WAF holds the non profit endowment funds listed below.
Non Profit Endowment Funds
- Frank and Barbara Goodspeed Memorial Fund
Donald D. Eustice Memorial Fund
Waseca County Historical Society Lifetime Endowment Fund
- Waseca Area Hospice, Inc. Endowment Fund
Marvin and Ardis Sutter Family Fund
Designated Funds
A designated fund is a restricted fund with the stipulation that the charitable contributions be used for a specific purpose. Scholarship Funds fall under this category. The WAF currently holds the designated funds listed below.
Designated Funds
- Clarence Paulson Memorial Fund
- Dr. Mel Strand’s Englsih Educator Enrichment Endeavor Fund
- Dr. Mel Strand’s Spartan Scholarship Soliloquy
- Edgar F. & Ethel Johnson Fund
- Faith in the Future
- Greg Ashland Memorial Fund
- Harold & Bonita Ackman and Myron & Carol Wendt Fund
- Jerry & Linday Rutledge Hertige Fund – Waseca Cty. Historical Society
- Joe Finley Family Scholarship Fund
- Jurgen Peters Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Katie Zika Athletic Scholarship Fund
- Mavis Wheelock Memorial Health Care Scholarship Fund
- Medo Evangelical Lutheran Church Cemetery Assoc Fund
- Monday Study Club Scholarship Fund
- Schroder Family Scholarship Fund for Nursing
- Searle Family Fund for Farmamerica
- Stoltenberg Rotary Scholarship Fund
- Waseca Area Neighborhood Service Center Food Shelf Fund
- Waseca Historical Society Endowment Fund
- Waseca High School Class of 1960 Scholarship Fund
- Waseca Public Library Fund
- Wes & Carol Rethwill History Fund